A blog means the journal of someone's Life! A life is meaningful for everyone including u and me!! Are u happy with ur life now? I am and I decided to share it with all of u!!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
April,Here I come~~~
March 2009 will just pass by just like that in just a while only. Like all other months of the year,it's passing by just as swift as the wind. Din really done much when i came to think of it. But then,the most memorable thing was getting the STPM results moment ba.. N the applying of Us and some other things concerning my future. So soon three months has gone and my teaching life has been so long already. Life's just so special. I played,had fun and eventually had to live my life as usual. What to do? I am just the normal person. A guy with the thinking of a guy. Hang out with friends more often these days. I don't know if our chance of hanging out will be limited or not next time but i am appreciating every single moment together. But then,who knows? We might end up in the same Uni next time. We will have to pray hard for that. So,now i am awaiting anxiously for the month of April to come. I will have lots of interview to do. Hope I can do well lo. As u all know,these things are really important for me ma.. I have been talking about love these few days and I really think it's an essential thing to me. For my love ones,I really hope that u can have a great life and enjoy them everyday. Let's march ourselves towards the month of April ba!!!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
Dreaming of u once again..after such a long time we separate away from each others.. I also dunno since when i start to lost my love for u but all i know is tat love is blind.. I have been dreaming for these few days already.. Keep on dreaming things..of the different ppl n things.. Oh well..some daydreams n some normal dreams.. Whenever i have the chance,i would dream.. Lolz..dun tell me tat i m ready for a comeback ei.. Hah..i also not so sure if tis is cool or not cool lo.. I will just take it easy first.. She was in my dream tis afternoon.. It has been a long time since i last dream or think of her.. But i dun think tis is been made or wat..
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
So,let's go~~

Haha..some posts of mine may be weird or really hard to understand de but all those are just some of the things I see in my everyday life.. So,u all man man qu liao jie them ba.. Haha..some things just can't be said out by using our mouth de.. Lolz..love can be discover as easy as u see the leaves around u but to find one which is suitable is not easy. It's very complex de la.. Some ppl will never change for one person for a long time yet some just can spend one day with someone and then go out with another person the second day. How can he do so? Don't ask me..i also dunno.. Haiz...this world is full of miracoulous things. What to do? It's a big big world. La la la... Don't get stuck in it so soon ya.. U still have a long way to go!!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Love is Blind
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Explode,explode,explode~~~ My whole body wanna explode liao... I am so so so tired mentally n physically.. Keep thinking of what to do next. Can't think of anything. Just feel like there is still a lot of things i haven do de. I also hate myself being caught in such conditions.
Tottenham Scar
Friday, March 20, 2009
My back is so painful now la...after a few nite sleeping in the school... Oh well...camping is fun but it's really tiring too... My hands were all beaten by mosquitos... Slept at 1 am in the morning... Lolz..
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
I also dunno what's wrong with me these days. Keep of thinking of things like this. I can't help it. I really need some counseling la. Who can help?
Monday, March 16, 2009
Friends Jiu Shi Friends
Can't help u as u don't wish me to do so. Don't blame me for being so cruel. Just keep quiet and listen carefully. Must not think too much. I am doing so just because of our friendship. Dun understand why would u have such a thought. It's not easy to mix it around and turn something so easy till something as complicated as this. So annoyed by ur actions. Please stay away from me as I don't have the mindset to go on sharing our happiness. Unless you are the one before,I will never talk to u anymore. Our friend can never ever thought tat u would actually make such a move that will eventually deter your view.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009
Some Piece Of Mind Now
Tend to be nervous~~ Sick of this and that~~ Wish that what happened was just a weird nightmare~~ Seems to vomit a lot out of the mouth~~ Scare of what will happen in the future~~
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Satisfy~~ Can you all just be satisfy with wat u all have got? Oh well,this may be the nature of every human in this world le ba.. N i certainly doesn't like it.. Come to think of it,have u ever though that you would get such a result before? Do u really think that you are so pro in everything? U can get such a result is a miracle liao. Pls dun think God or anyone is unfair to u. There might be some casualty here and there but God is always fair to everyone of us. No matter good or bad,He delivers them evenly. Just a matter of time. Think of it. U r the one i m talking about!!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Today was a really down n upset day in school. I also dunno what was the main reason at first but I get to know bout it when I get back home. I was too tired after watching a early morning football match. I was very tired already. But with the add on of the pressure of choosing courses for the uni things burdening me made me even weaker. I was so desperate to go back home. Get a quick bath and make me more comfy~~ Haha..after that,think about it again. La la la..then,I went to school again. Ask bout the things concerning my U things.. Cikgu Anna was so willing to help.. I listen to her opinions. And finally I figure out what was actually going on. I have lots to roads to choose and I need to really choose carefully.. So,May God Bless me.. Here I would like to wish all my friends who were taking their SPM examinations last year a good luck.. May they get the best posssible results lo.. Haha..
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Thank God for Everything
Oh well...thank God for granting my wish come true... I got what I wanted all this while although when i really got it..I was not so satisfied with... Lolz..but then,i still look at the positive side.. Coz so many ppl are getting the same kind of results as mine.. Haiz..tis year's stpm ah.. Really sok de.. Dunno how to say but I m lucky enough to get an A in my PA ei.. Tis is the best I did so far in a BM subject..for the whole of my life... La la la..Thank God.. Praise the Lord!!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Result Day
Now i m getting more n more nervous... Wondering what have i done all this while in form 6... Have everything pay off or what?? What have i done to my own future?? Where does it lies??? Haiz..headache ah headache!!! Sien shi qu...dunno what to do but just wait... La la la..i pray for miracles~~ Pray for all the best... Hmmm...jia you ba..everyone.. We can do it.. Argh...
Sunday, March 8, 2009
2 More Days
2 more days to the truth. 2 more days to know everything. 2 more days to my future. Where does it lies actually? I have no idea now but after 2 days,everything will be revealed. Argh..2 more days.. Why is it so near liao???
Friday, March 6, 2009
I deny having something to do with you because I dun wanna make u painful. I hate you to make you feel better. It may not be nice but as long as you are happy,everything will be just fine. Just be yourself and I will feel great. Thanks for your kind consideration. Nitez.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Some love just can't be force yet we try and try to make ourselves believe that we can do so. No nonsense can break us apart. It's just impossible to do so. We can't survive under these circumstances. Not just by saying I love you,babe!! This is meaningless. Some may say that I will care for you,I will protect you,I won't let you be hurt and talking bout this and that. All sorts of sweet stuff. Oh ya,by the way.. If you tend to eat so many sweet stuff,you may get diabetes,and this is certainly not good. Please dun get too enthusiastic in something meaningless. You are still studying,so,please study like a man. Think so much will just make you feel painful inside out. You will think of the girl everyday until you cannot even hold your spoon when you are eating. Get tight of yourself. No one can save you other than yourself. Let's just be friends first. Think of those who care for you and not those acting friendly in front of you! To be a pro,one must go through the process of being a noob first.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Haha,haha,haha... Wahahahahaha...it has been a long time since I had laugh till so crazy qu.. Tonight was the best nite ever.. Lolz..I went to Pau's farewell party with eileen,ling ling,teo,anna,siaw wei.. We talk n talk non stop..almost everything... Some cold ones..some lame ones..some *** ones.. Chew..all sorts of things la.. We shared our experiences.. Pau will be leaving for India liao on Friday.. I will certanly miss this best friend of mine.. You are my best friend forever!! We have known each other for 10 years liao.. N this will certainly continues on n on... We played a new poker game..err,at least it is new for me la.. Screamed till sok ki.. Laugh till sok ki.. I was so blurr mo.. Lolz..we were indeed very happy.. After that,we took some photos.. As memories la..shot some videos... Got one really nice one in my phone.. But it can't be shown to all of you just yet as it's reserve for a special person in another corner in this big world~~ Some day later i will post it up la.. Dun be anxious.. Nai nai nai li... Muahahhaahahaha........ Anyway..i felt really high n happy tonight... Thanx for all,Pau.. Yi lu shuen feng ya.. La la la..^-^
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Today was a day full of madness. I went to some classes which are really noisy till my head nearly exploded. I can just smile back to them and ask them to sit down quietly. Nothing else can be done. After a few seconds,they will continue where they left just a while ago. Speechless. I have been to a lot of classes. Some good. Some bad and some really uncontrollable. Oh well. I even needed the help of Madam Chan today. She gave them a brief lecture of what needed to be done since exams is just around the corner. These classes ah. Not that they are not good in their studies,just that they are too lazy to do so. I just hope that they can eventually change. Praise the Lord.
Sick of u~~
Seeing the way u act make me sick,listening to what u said makes me feel pain inside out. No one can be able to take care of u. People dun wanna take the risk to do so. U are just some no good brat. I dun wanna curse u but ur love life is a disaster for u. U two were never meant to be together. Just some kind of sudden strike of the lightning. It won't last and please do prepare for it. Just because u r lonly doesn't mean u have to do this. It means nothing. U might not mind now but when u start realizing it,u will be pakto-ing with others liao. All i spit out here is not my own view nia. Many ppl told me the same thing. So,pls think before u do this stupid thing!!^-^
Sunday, March 1, 2009

1st of March...another opening of another month in the year of cow(2009). It is also known as the result month for those who took their public examinations last year. I am one of them and my feeling is the same as all other felt now. A bit anxious but not till really anxious lo. Exams,exams,exams.. And now is the results time liao.. What have we gain from what we have studied? Nothing can change the fate liao.. Oh well,I will just leave it to the God ba.. Pray hard and be hopeful o reach my target. Jia you ba... Today,I wanna wish two of my friends whose birthdays fall on today... Haha..Happy Birthday to Johnny! Happy Birthday to Hui Jen! Lolz..both are my good friends.. May the both of u have a great and wonderful year ahead of you.. Have a nice day ya.. Gambateh..^-^
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