Let's talk bout B.I.G.(Bina Insan Guru)~~ Haha..this is a annual camp which a year one semester one student must join... Lol..n it's actually a very very nice camp! Full of praise for it...we have been busy since the first day of BIG. Cooking, marching, setting up the camp...have some dance and making of flags! That's all for day one...
On the second day, we went for a jungle trekking... The trail was so tiring, ppl...long long walk...under the hot hot sun... Walking all the way, making notes along the way...seeing lots of things.. I was nearly out of this world in a few times...falling here n there...nearly into the deep river one time.. Haha...the lousy n old bridge also cracked...omg!! Hehehe..really sot la...although the trail which we walked was only 5 km, but i just felt tat it was never going to end... Chew...we just keep on walking like a blind man which dunno his way...
After that, we finally reached the place where we could cook our lunch.. We cooked our lunch by using firewood n branches...walao...this is just so so hard n challenging la.. Plus the rainy day...with the lack of branches..how to cook... In the end, among all the groups, we were the last team to finish cooking our lunch. But then, time was up..so wat can we do other than eat the rice n maggi mee which were not so nice to eat..a bit raw la...wahahahha... No matter wat, we din gave up and still ate up all the food...hehe..^^ Nice nice...we walked back to the school and depart back to IP next...hehe..nite time was quite relaxing with some small activities...flag discussion n dances...^^
To the third day then...haha... It's another big day for BIG as we were going for water rafting that very day...cool cool cool... The ups n downs we faced when we were in the boat...rafting here n there...the water was so cold... Lol...come on!! How i wish i can go once again... Still wondering how it would be like if i had to raft like tat to go to school everyday next time... Walala..tat will be cool? or not? Haha...depends on how u see it la..
Then it was the show time for every group... Every group was required to present a show for all on that nite! Haha...honestly, i can tell u all that I was really not prepared when I walked on stage... All the actions was just instant reaction to what i thought at that moment... Hehe..we really had no time to prepare well for the dance n drama ba... However, every group still manage to present their item...n it was nice to watch..some quite hilarious while some quite interesting... One word, Magnificent!
On the fourth day...to be continued tomolo...hahaha...^^ More interesting details...soon!! Wahahaha..good nite ppl!!^^