A blog means the journal of someone's Life! A life is meaningful for everyone including u and me!! Are u happy with ur life now? I am and I decided to share it with all of u!!
Monday, March 26, 2018
To Continue Or Not
Thursday, March 22, 2018
Be Patience In The Things We Do Every Now And Then!
Tuesday, March 6, 2018
Real Life Situation in School!
Sunday, March 4, 2018
Allen's New Year Resolution 2018!
Make my way outside of ASIAN. After I have traveled to Taiwan in the year 2014, I have been travelling in the Asian countries only. I have make my way to Brunei, Indonesia, Singapore and Thailand recently. This coming May I shall be in Vietnam, Cambodia and maybe Laos. So, there is only Philippines and Myanmar left for the Asian countries. This time around I am determined to follow one of my course mate for the trip to Korea. I want to see this country and have some time with the winter season! So, I really hope that my dream can come true. Without this Korean trip, I don't think I can think anymore further. Now let's just make this a successful trip! Come on.
Now to the last resolution of all. Transfer back to Sibu. I know this might appear shocking to some but this time I really wanna move back compare to the other times. I know there are another 15 teachers who are competing for places with me but who cares. I just want to go back. I cannot stay here anymore longer as it is really taking away my life. I want to go back and serve my own hometown. I do not want to be in the boat express every Friday afternoon and Sunday afternoon any longer. Why can't I have the life of the other people who can spend time with their family on a sunny Sunday afternoon or hang out with my friends at night? After being in Kapit for three years, this is the first time I am so determined to move away! I really really hope that they can release me and I shall say Halo Sibu!
Wednesday, February 28, 2018
Hope For The Best!
Sunday, January 14, 2018
What I Can Say Is
OK.. What I can say is.. Humans don't simply fall in love! It's because we are humans. We cannot simply say that we love someone just like that. We might like a lot of people but we can only fall in love with a single person at one time! One at a time, not many at one go! The people who claim so are definitely a big liar, don't believe in what he or she say!
So, once we have decided to put our heart on the table n open our heart to the other person, we may simply hope that our love may be accepted! But then, that's actually the hardest part in a relationship. To start or to initiate something to say is not an easy stuff to do. Not all can do it properly n many may just stuck at the halfway point! If we don't be determined enough to continue doing what we have been doing all along, we cannot say too much or complain too much! This is because we have given up hope even before the real race start!
In short, we need to keep on trying n aim for the best! There is no more return after we have stepped foot in the things we have done! It's not easy but we have to constantly do it in order to maintain the things we do! So, all the best to all of you out there! I seldom post nowadays but my heart shall always stay with this blogspot of mine! See ya all again next time! Bye bye!
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About me : 001. Real name : Allen Yong Bee Khai 002. Nickname(s) : Alleng, Ah Bui, Dai Lou 003. Age: 22 004. Zodiac sign : Scorpio 005. Male...